

Dancing Zen is a state of mind; a state of living; a state of grace.
We as humans need connection to function, and we think that connection with other people is vital… but first we must connect with ourselves.

Melissa’s vision is for people who are working away from home, to give them a beautiful place to work and create.
This is at the centre of the Dancing Zen experience.



Even though the containers are not connected, the space fosters deep connection. Connection with yourself, your work, your creativity and whatever brings you joy and love. Each shipping container is stand alone. This aesthetic is to provide authentic shipping container living, but also to provide maximum quiet in each container if needed.

The Sonos sound system can be used to synchronize music in all the containers or used separately.
You can be separate and still together.



Landscape and Vision

Light of the gods; Awakening to enlightenment; Inspiration

Our logo and the overall landscape and vision for Dancing Zen is underpinned by Dagaz. It represents the source and the light. It is a symbol of hope and happiness to rich and poor and service to all. The land in which Dagaz governs has been gently cared for and curated so that every inch has been loved by the landmakers. From the builders, to gardeners, to artists, everyone has put love into this piece of earth.




Homeland; Greater peace; Legacy; Inheritance

In honouring my late grandfather Ilario and my almost 100 year old Nonna, Concetta Ciccarello, who settled in Fulham Gardens next door more than 60 years ago, Othala is built as a sign of safety and global unity. It is the realisation of paradise and protection to all who reside here.




Protection; Higher Self; Connection

Love and connection is at the centre of ‘luck’. Literally waking up and also waking up to a more honest, conscious and powerful self, Algiz is about communication beyond the skills you have and towards deeper and more revealing connections.




Justice; Sacrifice; Sovereign Order

Victory in legal matters and developing sound judgement are qualities we must find ways to embrace in a world that doesn’t always see justice and truth for what it is. In our work lives and business partnerships we must be loyal to ourselves and to those who see us for who we really are.

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